If you are seeking to be a prime contractor in federal contracting your firm will more than likely need to be on a GWAC such as GSA Schedule MAC contract which can provide you with contract opportunities for at least 20 years. What are the key differences between a Government Wide Acquisition Contract (GWAC) contracts and federal government Multi-agency contracts …
GSA’s Startup Springboard A Great Opportunity for Small Business
The GSA Startup Springboard opens up the GSA Schedule MAS program to firms with less than the two-year professional experience normally required for a company to get approved on a GSA MAS Schedule category. In general, the Startup Springboard potential GSA partner can use their executive professional backgrounds, key personnel’s project experience to complete their application. The Startup Springboard program …
New Opportunities from the Federal Government
HOW new Commercial Solutions Opening (CSO) Pilot Program might make federal sales easier Selling to the federal government can be complicated, particularly for startups, smaller companies, and those unfamiliar with government contracting. The procurement process creates a jungle of barriers including crushing complexity, awkward communications, and significant expense just to try and compete for business. As a result, a …
If you are seeking to be a prime contractor in federal contracting your firm will more than likely need to be on a GWAC such as GSA Schedule MAC contract which can provide you with contract opportunities for at least 20 years. What are the key differences between a Government Wide Acquisition Contract (GWAC) contracts and federal government Multi-agency contracts …
Federal Supply Schedule Termination
IS YOUR FEDERAL SUPPLY SCHEDULE CONTRACT IN TERMINATION MODE? Many Federal Supply Schedule contractors receive a sales termination letter informing them that their Federal Supply Schedule contract is about to be cancelled due to lack of Schedule sales. The dreaded termination letter reads something like this “The purpose of this letter is to advise you that, due to failure to meet I-FSS-639 …
USING THE SBA SEARCH AND REQUIREMENTS LETTER TO FIND WORK After identifying a potential requirement through self-marketing, contact your SBA Office and request a search letter be sent on your company behalf. The search letter is sent by your SBA Business Opportunity Specialist (BOS) on your behalf. The search letter is sent by SBA requesting that the agency set aside …